JoWooD highscore in 2009


Turnover improved last year for Styrian software and computer game producer JoWooD Entertainment AG, the company reported today (Fri).The firm said its net profit had risen by 50 per cent from 1.005 million Euros in 2008 to 1.504 million Euros in 2009.Earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) rose by 24.8 per cent year on year […]

Linger brothers repeat 2006 Olympic Gold triumph


Austrian two-seater Lugers Andreas and Wolfgang Linger, from Hall in Tyrol, defended their 2006 Olympic Gold medal in yesterday’s (Weds) Vancouver Games event.Wolfgang Linger said after the race: “We sleighed on a wave of euphoria. My brother and I have been dreaming of this moment for four years – since our victory at the Turin […]