Tap Water Austrians Favourite Drink

Austria’s favourite thirst quencher is tap water. Every day in Austrian 6.6 millions litres of tap water are consumed according to a study by market researchers GfK Austria.

More than half of the 1000 people questioend said water was the best drink to quench thirst. Women in particular are likely to quench their thirst with tap water (around two thirds).

Men are more likely to reach for mineral water either still or sparkling rather than tap water.

On average each person drinks around 1.5 litres of water per day. Only one in five people say they drink more than two litres of tap water per day.

Alexander Zeh fromĀ  GfK Austria said: “With the amount of water drunk every day you could fill 47,000 bath tubs.”

Of those asked nine in ten say they drink the tap water as they say the quality is excellent.

Vienna residents are most happy with their water – with almost 100 per cent of those asked being happy with the tap water.

Those questioned also said they enjoyed tap water as it was easy to get and they did not have to carry heavy bottles of drink home.

More than half of those asked said they drank tap water as it was free of calories.