Police investigate Bavarian curling tragedy

An Austrian man was left in a serious condition after a Bavarian curling game got out of hand during a tournament in Liebenfels, Austria.

Police are investigating allegations that the curler aged 43 who was not named for legal reasons had been heckling his rivals when he was reportedly pushed by an opposing player – and fell direct onto the curling puck – crushing his spine.

Tournament organiser Bernhard Widmann said: “Nerves were on edge in the tournament. We had 250 people watching.”

EV-Rottendorf were playing a championship deciding game and it was getting close when the accident happened.

Police are studying video footage shot by a spectator to decide whether the man was pushed or whether he fell.

The rest of the tournament Bavarian curling match which is also known as Ice Stcok Sport was cancelled after the accident.