Water damage leads to hash farm

Fire-fighters called out about a water damage at a flat in Vienna discovered a massive cannabis plantation.Police said today (Mon) that firemen had found more than 180 marijuana crops in a 22-year-old’s flat in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus district yesterday.The fire-fighters were alerted by tenants of the apartment beneath the man’s flat after water started dropping from the ceiling. They entered the hash grower’s apartment through an opened window after no one responded to knocking on the door.The firemen turned off the leaking water supply – and called police after discovering almost 200 hash plants being grown and supplied with water in a complex system consisting of dozens of hoses and pipes all over the flat.The offender admitted after returning home to having cultivated the plants with two friends for some time. He faces drug charges, and police are now trying to find out whether he sold marijuana or consumed the harvest on his own.The discovery comes just weeks after police in Spittal, Carinthia, informed prosecutors about a 20-year-old man’s hashish plantation on a pasture just a stone-throw from a popular recreation area.