Tanning shops ignore under-18s ban

Many tanning salons ignore the law and let minors use their facilities, a new undercover investigation has shown.The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) said today (Thurs) six out of 15 tested solariums in Vienna did not hesitate to let under-aged people on their sun beds.The organisation revealed one shop instantly offered a special rate to the teenagers if they decide to come more often. The VKI also said that staff at another tanning salon suggested to a customer they could let him use the facilities if he signed up using the e-card of an adult when they heard he had not yet turned 18. The e-card is a health information card people in Austria use to get medication and see doctors.Under a federal decree in effect since September of last year, Austrian solariums face fines of up to 2,180 Euros if they are found having under-aged clients. The parliamentÂ’s decision is based on medical research by European Union (EU) experts showing that excessive tanning drastically increases the skin cancer risk.The VKI investigation also showed that employees at many tanning shops had no scruples accepting people with fair skin as their customers. Furthermore, the test highlighted the bad state of hygiene at some businesses.