Toni & Guy to get busier in Austria

Toni & Guy has revealed plans to expand in Austria.The British hairdressing company – which has shops across the world – said today (Weds) it wanted to open more stores in the country. Toni & Guy’s Austrian representation is currently limited to one salon in Vienna’s Innere Stadt district.”The goal is to position ourselves in Austria with 10 stores in the coming five years,” the firm explained, adding that it could also imagine setting up a hairdressers’ academy in Austria.These announcements come shortly after a poll revealed that Austrians splashed out 154 million Euros on hair-care products in 2009. Research group GfK Austria also found that, with 18 per cent, nearly one in five Austrian men – never go to the hairdressers but cut their hair themselves or ask friends to do it.Forty-two per cent of men said they spend less than five minutes a day getting their hair in order. Only 13 per cent of women said the same.