Brain transplant appeal over AKH budget freeze


A legendary theatre actor has suggested politicians should “have their brains transplanted” at Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) after medical staff presented plans to reduce night and weekend services. The AKH’s works council and the Austrian Doctors’ Chamber said on Monday just 154 doctors would be at work at the hospital during the night and at […]

Company bosses look back on windfall


The chiefs of Austria’s biggest companies earned more in 2010 than in the previous year, according to an investors’ protection group. IVA officials said yesterday (Tues) the incomes of members of the executive boards of companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) rose by 13.6 per cent from 2009 to the following year. The […]

Beer prices to climb


One of Austria’s biggest breweries decided to increase its consumer prices. Ottakringer – Vienna’s major beer firm – said today (Tues) it would charge three to five per cent more for its products. The price hikes will be felt by shoppers from March, according to business experts. A spokesman for the company claimed that “all […]

Economy must brace for tough time, say analysts


The Austrian economy will grow less strongly than initially expected, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD research shows that Austria’s gross domestic product (GDP) will rise by 0.6 per cent from 2011 to 2012. Only in May, the organisation announced it expected the GDP to climb by 2.1 per cent. […]

Fewer AKH docs on night duty from next year


The number of doctors on night duty at Austria’s largest clinics is set to shrink, it has emerged. The works council of Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) announced yesterday (Mon) that 145 doctors would be at work at night and at weekends from February 2012, down from 172 at the moment. The doctors’ representation explained it […]

ÖBB justifies ‘dumping prices’


Federal Railways (ÖBB) has defended the introduction of crash prices. A spokeswoman for the company said today (Fri) criticism of the latest move was “incomprehensible” since the customers would eventually benefit from it. ÖBB caused a stir by presenting a programme featuring 25,000 tickets for 15 Euros each for its western railway link connecting Vienna […]

Berlakovich rejects shale gas project


People’s Party (ÖVP) Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich has spoken out against plans to produce shale gas in Lower Austria. Large reserves of the substance may be located in rocks up to 6,000 metres below the surface in the north-eastern province of Lower Austria. Austrian oil and gas group OMV AG reportedly plans to carry out […]

SBB boss says ÖBB will survive


The head of one of Europe’s most successful railroad companies has said he is convinced that Austria’s Federal Railways (ÖBB) has a future. Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) chief Andreas Meyer told Die Presse today (Fri) that “there might be synergies (in the next 20 years), but SBB and ÖBB will stay independent companies.” SBB is […]

Railroad price fight in full swing


Federal Railways (ÖBB) and Westbahn have broken their promise not to engage in a price war. ÖBB chief Christian Kern explained in several interviews his company would focus on better quality and customer service in its attempt to weather the intensified competition on the tracks between Vienna and Salzburg. Westbahn executive manager Stefan Wehinger promised […]

Ski lift price check shows savings potential


Lift passes cost more than twice as much in Austria’s most popular skiing resorts than in small winter sport destinations, according to an investigation. The Austrian Association for Costumer Information, VKI, said today (Thurs) comparably small regions in Lower Austria and Styria were charging less than 300 Euros for weekly passes for a whole family […]