Vienna flat prices up

Prices for owner-occupied and rented flats in Vienna soared last year, according to new research.Real estate platform said today (Weds) prices for owner-occupied flats in the capital rose by six per cent to an average 2,446 Euros per square metre in 2009 year on year.It added rent prices after tax meanwhile increased by two per cent to an average 9.3 Euros per square metre for flats in the city.Around 44,000 flats in Vienna’s 23 districts offered on the website last year were considered for the study.Another result of the research is that owner-occupied flats located in Vienna’s city centre Innere Stadt district remain the most expensive with an average 6,520 Euros per square metre, followed by flats in the district of Döbling (3,363 Euros) and Neubau (3,240 Euros).Neubau meanwhile overtook Mariahilf as the district most users browsed for flats in 2009.Simmering was found as the district with the cheapest owner-occupied flats with an average 1,651 Euros per square metre.The Innere Stadt district also retained its top position for rented flats with an average 15 Euros per square metre, followed by Döbling (11.40 Euros) and Hietzing (10.06 Euros).Simmering also comes last in this statistic with an average 7.60 Euros.